Caesar (8x8):
Caesar is a very strong Othello player. In the tournament strength it achieves on GGS a rating of over 2700 points (Athlon 2200+). This rating is about the same as Michael Buro's LOGISTELLO or Richard Delorme's EDAX, two of the best today's programs.
It used about 670 thousend games to tune the parameters of a pattern based linear function.
For more details about this learning technic look at Michael Buro's web page: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~mburo/
Charly (8x8):
Charly is also a very strong Othello player. It achieves on GGS (under the name MOUSE) a rating of over 2600 points and the 4th position. The main difference between Caesar and Charly is the learning approach. Charly has started with null knowledge and self-played in order to tune the parameters of its pattern based linear function.
For more details on this learning technic and comparisons between different learning approaches read my paper that has been publicated in the 3rd Computer and Games conference (Summer 2002): Mouse(m): A self-teaching algorithm that achieved master-strength at Othello
Mouse (10x10):
This engine used the same learning technic as Charly. It uses a pattern based evaluation function. It ended in the first position on the 10x10 Othello tournament played on GGS. It is to my best knowledge probably the best 10x10 engine around.
Mouse (Octagon):
A pattern based evaluation function that used the same learning technic as Charly. Probably the only octagon Othello engine around.